Steam Turbine control systems, supported by a 3D Animated Program, there will be many power point presentations. With the help of extensive graphics and animation which will provide a virtual exposure on Large Steam Turbines and Governors and other control systems.
On completion of this course will have gained a thorough understanding of the various turbine control systems, i.e. Governors, the functions of Speed Tronic steam control system. Most important participants will acquire knowledge of operation activities. This program will focus on Steam Turbine Animation which of course is of immense help in clearly understanding steam turbine control systems. Other control systems will also be looked at i.e. Speed Tronic Steam Turbine Control System.
Employees of professional or formally regulated bodies are generally expected to have CPD accredited training. This type of accreditation ensures that the training is knowledgeable, informed and constantly updated. It ensures our standards as a company are kept high and consistent.
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