The Portfolio Management course is designed to give participants a comprehensive understanding of the concept of Portfolio Management and its importance for companies. This five-day course will cover critical topics such as the benefits of adopting a Portfolio Management process, ways to gain essential stakeholder buy-in for Portfolio Management, best practice Portfolio Management frameworks, and approaches for investment and resource optimisation within the portfolio. Additionally, the course will cover strategies for implementing and managing Portfolio Management processes, identifying risks and mitigating strategies, and establishing governance and oversight mechanisms. By the end of this course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to develop and implement a best practice Portfolio Management framework, optimise investments and resources within the portfolio, and embed and sustain Portfolio Management capability within their organisation.
Employees of professional or formally regulated bodies are generally expected to have CPD accredited training. This type of accreditation ensures that the training is knowledgeable, informed and constantly updated. It ensures our standards as a company are kept high and consistent.
100000+ Members in
59+ Countries with
3000+ Chapters
We will never cancel a confirmed booking
We offer around the clock support
We customise our courses to suit your personal learning needs
Our courses are delivered by highly experienced industry experts
All our courses are accredited by the CPD Standards Agency