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How HR training courses can help your home life November 29, 2018

How HR training courses can help your home life

How HR training courses can help your home life

Human Resource is the management of an organisation’s employees or human resources. It is responsible for recruiting, selecting, training, evaluating employees. Also including overseeing business and life management, and providing guarantees that the rules for admission to work and the internal work schedule are in compliance. At the heart of every successful business lies the human resources team who drive all aspects of staff management.

The following are a few examples of how studying human resource management will benefit a business:

  • Improve employee turnover. High employee turnover hurts a company's bottom line.
  • Conflict resolutions. Workplace conflict is somewhat inevitable as employees have different personalities, lifestyles and work ethic.
  • Employee satisfaction.
  • Improve employee performance.
  • Training and development.
  • Helps with budget control.

The above examples are all beneficial for the business but what about your home life?  Here we will talk about how courses in London such as HR training can help your home life.

When employees feel a greater sense of control and ownership over their own lives, they tend to have better relationships with management and are able to leave work issues at work and home issues at home. Balanced employees tend to feel more motivated and less stressed out at work, which thereby increases company productivity and reduces the number of conflicts among coworkers and management.

Work Life Balance is defined as a means of flexible working or flexible leave available to employees. These arrangements may be in addition to statutory entitlements and are generally granted to the employee to accommodate their needs outside of the workplace. They may be to facilitate family commitments; study or health.

Providing flexible working hours, for example, an employee must work a certain number of hours each week, but it is up to the employee how and when they work these hours throughout the week. Allowing employees to work from home, instead of having to come into the office, if this is not suitable for your company or you have concerns, consider allowing employees to work from home one day a week.

Flexible working hours also allows employees flexibility to care for their children. This can include the ability to take time off to pick up a sick child from school, the ability to see a child’s school play at lunch time, or flexible start/end time for parents who drop off or pick up kids from school.

Some businesses provide an onsite childcare facility that employs a trusted staff and takes the guesswork and frustrations out of other babysitting and daycare services. If this is not possible, some businesses offer employees a childcare service discount to alleviate the stresses of caring for children during the workday and reduce the amount of missed work.

To find out more about how HR training can help your home life book onto one of our short courses in London. We at London TFE offer training courses in London that can help build your personal or work personal development. Find out more today!

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