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7 Major Functions of Office Management May 9, 2018

7 Major Functions of Office Management


7 Major Functions of Office Management

Office management is the backbone of operational efficiency in any business. It’s about juggling various tasks to ensure smooth operations and effective collaboration across departments. At the helm is the office manager, who is responsible for orchestrating these office management functions and leading the team towards common business goals by performing office manager job duties.

From organising paperwork to facilitating communication, office management is all about keeping things running smoothly. It’s essential for the day-to-day functioning of any organisation, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and resources are utilised effectively.

What is Office Management?

Office management is the technique of planning, organising, coordinating and controlling office management functions to achieve business objectives. The outcome of good office management is the efficient and effective performance of the entire business.

The efficiency of the office is crucial for the success of a business. Most offices have to deal with a large volume of paperwork due to industrialisation, population explosion, government control, and various tax and labour laws. To ensure efficiency and effectiveness, which are key aspects of management, the office has to plan and control its activities, reduce its costs, and coordinate with all the business activities.

An office without organisation is not feasible. Office management is essential for all organisations, as it provides support services for various departments in the organisation. No organisation can function effectively without efficient office management. It is required at all levels of management, and an office manager is responsible for performing these office manager job duties.

7 Essential Office Management Functions and Job Duties Office Managers Need to Know

Office management is not just about keeping the office running smoothly; it is also about ensuring that the office supports the overall business objectives and contributes to its success. To do this, an office manager needs to perform various job duties that cover different aspects of office work. These can be grouped into 7 main office management functions that every office manager should know and master.

1. Planning

Planning is the basic function of office management. It is concerned with deciding in advance what is to be done, how it is to be done, and who is to do it. Planning helps to produce a strategy for action that aligns with the business objectives and resources and also involves setting goals, priorities, and deadlines for office work.

2. Staffing

Staffing is one of the most important office management functions. Often, the top management requests an office manager to recruit and select the office staff. For this purpose, they determine the number of staff required, their qualification and experience, if any, decide the sources of recruitment, receive applications, conduct the interviews and tests, and finally select the right personnel. It also includes motivating, appraising and rewarding the office staff.

 3. Organising resources

The organising function brings resources together to achieve the goals established in the planning function. Resources include materials, personnel and financial backing. Leaders need to identify what activities are necessary, assign those activities to specific personnel and effectively delegate tasks. Leaders need to coordinate tasks to keep resources moving efficiently toward goals. It is important to prioritise which resources are essential at any given time.

For example, if more inventory is needed but the company doesn’t have the financial resources to obtain the inventory, then the priority is to tackle the financial need.

4. Directing

The function of direction refers to the way the office manager issues instructions to the staff and indicates what should be done. Directing also involves communicating, supervising, and leading the office staff. The office manager needs to direct the staff in a way that ensures their cooperation, commitment and productivity. Directing also includes providing feedback, resolving conflicts and maintaining discipline.

5. Training

The office manager decides the need for training. The regular training programmes are also devised and imparted to the new recruits as well as existing staff. An orientation training programme is provided to new staff and a refresher course programme is offered to existing staff. Training can also help to improve the performance, morale and retention of the office staff.

6. Controlling Systems

Controlling systems refers to all the processes that leaders create to monitor success. This business function requires leaders to establish performance standards, measure actual performance and compare the metrics to determine anomalies.

For example, a sales leader is focused on more than only the final sales numbers. He considers the leading activities, such as the number of minimum pitches and outbound calls. Leaders review the data and make adjustments in processes, policies, training, or personnel to address failures based on that data. Winning leaders don’t look at poor performance as failures but as opportunities to solve a problem that gets the desired results.

7. Discipline

Discipline is the function of office management that involves enforcing the rules and regulations of the office and maintaining order and harmony among the office staff which is in the hands of the office manager. There should not be personal bias or favouritism while implementing rules and regulations. The office manager also attends to the grievances and complaints of the office staff and resolves them fairly and promptly. In this way, discipline is maintained, creating a positive and respectful work environment.

Wrapping Up: The Key Points of Office Management

In essence, office management is a dynamic and social process that involves a number of elements and activities. The dynamic and social element of office management means the functions of management are separate from operational functions. Whilst operational functions refer to activities and processes such as marketing, finances, and purchases, the management functions differ depending on the organisational level at which they take place.

To become an effective and efficient office manager, you need to know and master these office management functions and perform the job duties accordingly. By doing so, you will be able to improve your office performance and productivity, as well as your own career prospects and satisfaction.

Need training for office management skills? Read about our office manager training and book the office management training programmes we have available at London TFE. We offer a range of corporate training courses that cover the essential skills and knowledge for office management.

Whether you are a new or experienced office manager, we have the right course for you. Contact us today, and let us help you achieve your office management goals.

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